Where you Reap what you Sow



Can you seed the future?          

.Coms for Sale for a company or government in the Energy sector, Oil and Gas, Renewable...think of the possibilities.

A Solar field will generate clean, carbon-free, renewable energy from an endless resource. They contribute to a more sustainable and ecologically sound power generation that will inevitably enhance your company's visibility as being a global leader in the future of energy.

 for a company or government in Waste Water Treatment, Water Purification, Water Sales...think of the possibilities.


The system is known as solar aquatics, a process that replicates nature's cleansing action by which plants and microbes purify waste. After years of pilot projects and toiling under skepticism, solar aquatic facilities are sprouting up not only in the US, but around the world.


  • It produces half or less as much sludge than most industrial plants, which is hauled away only three times a year, much less than municipal facilities.
  • Most residents would rather have a greenhouse next to them than a traditional treatment plant.
  • It is a great learning tool for students and the community.


 for a company or government in Mineral or Oil and Gas Exploration...think of the possibilities.


The Canadian Shield is a massive geological shield covered by a thin layer of rocks that forms the nucleus of the North American. It is an area mainly covered by igneous rock which relates to its long volcanic history. It has a deep, common, joined bedrock region in eastern and central Canada and stretches North from the Great Lakes to the Arctic Ocean, covering over half of Canada; it also extends south into the northern reaches of the United States.


The Canadianshield is one of the world's richest areas in terms of mineral ores. It is filled with substantial deposits of nickel, gold, silver, and copper. The Shield, particularly the portion in the Northwest Territories, has recently been the site of several major diamond discoveries.